The advantages of low cost, user-friendliness, accuracy, optimal sensitivity and ability to embed suggest that the Perichek™ system be considered as a first line technology for both clinical and consumer applications.
Designed for integration into any hospital patient monitoring suite, this module incorporates proprietary DermaFlow peripheral blood flow monitoring technology. The module’s output may be displayed along with data generated on the variety of clinical parameters already present in the suite.

Each Perichek™ module services one peripheral blood flow sensor. Two or more modules may be incorporated into the suite should multiple sensor locations be required.
Patient with severe septic shock due to intra-abdominal sepsis resulting in death. The Dermal Blood Flow (DBF) curve shows a dramatic decrease at 345 minutes, which preceded the decrease in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by 93 minutes.
A New Monitor to Measure Dermal Blood Flow in Critically Ill Patients: A Preliminary Study Jonathan Cohen, Ilya Skoletsky, Rina Chen, Daniel Weiss, and Pierre Singer, ISRN Critical Care, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 578316
DermaFlow peripheral blood flow monitoring technology may be adapted to suit specific hardware requirements upon request.